
Boost materials are free. It would be nice if you would sign my guestbook, however, so I know how many people are using the materials (it takes less than a minute)--it's fun hearing from teachers! Any feedback is welcome.

I would like to recommend,, the Leapfrog videos on Netflix,, and the Rewards program by Anita Archer.

Please sign my GUEST BOOK.


Dear Reading Teachers: I have added a new assessment instrument. See Item #8.

1. SET #1-SYSTEMATIC PHONICS© CHARTS --1. Short Vowels; 2. Silent E; 3. Double l, s, f, and z; 4. Digraphs; 5. Regular Vowel Teams; 6. Diphthongs; 7. Final Y; 8. Silent Letters; 9. Bossy R; and 10. Irregular Vowel Teams. (P. S.--9/16/'04--It is now possible to make 14" x 17" color copies of these at Kinkos for less than 80 cents each with the 10% teacher discount. Also, the staff can set the machine to elongate the charts so that they fit perfectly).

Click to download/print the PHONICS CHARTS. Image

2. SET #2-SYSTEMATIC SPELLING© SYSTEM --88 lists of words. Each list contains ten words. For example, List #1 is made up of CVC words using only the letters a, b, c, d, m, and t (at, bat, mat, cat, dad, bad, mad, cad, and tab), while list #81 is made up of words with "sure"--sure, surely, treasure, measure, leisure, assure, reassure, surefire, insure, and unsure.
Click here to download/print the SPELLING LISTS.

3. SET #3-SYSTEMATIC WORD CARDS --for teaching phonics/spelling. Each spelling list/phonics chart has a set of cards that can be laminated and used to reinforce teaching various phonics components, such as Silent E, Vowel Teams, Silent Letters, etc.

Click here to download/print theWORD CARDS.

4. SET #4-BOOST FOR KINDERGARTEN©--eight booklets about Mac the Bat, Dan the Ram, Tim the Pig, Sam the Man, Jen the Cat, Zak the Yak, and Bob the Bug. This set introduces abcdm in the first booklet, n and m in the second booklet, etc.

Click here to download/print the eight MAC THE BAT booklets.
Click here to go to Instructions--How I use Boost© For Kindergarten.

5. SET #5-ALPHABET LEARNING AID--Lots of materials to aid in teaching the alphabet, the alphabetic principle, and letters sounds.
Click here to download/print the ALPHABET AIDS AND WORKSHEETS.

6. SET #6-PAR© THE PRIMARY ASSESSMENT OF READING is an assessment instrument designed to be administered individually at the beginning of kindergarten. Test administration takes only 5-10 minutes per child and results in scores between 0-100, which is a score that parents understand. The PAR© is in PDF format. The PAR© is the only assessment instrument of its kind available, as far as I know.*

Click here to download/print the Primary Assessment of Reading.

7. SET #7- BOOST FOR FIRST GRADE© BOOKLETS.--"The Hurt Puppy" and fourteen other stories teach all the Dolch words in story format.
Click here to download/print Fifteen First Grade Booklets.
Instructions--How I use Boost For First Grade© booklets.

8. SET #8 THE PHONICS/SPELLING PLACEMENT TEST© consists of lists of words given in spelling-test fashion. This assessment instrument can be used diagnostically with any age person who is having difficulty reading. It should effectively let you know which pattern/s a child does not know. The lists are devised so that hopefully you don't have to give several lists to find a child's general level. The assessment can be used for children diagnostically, and then the Systematic Spelling System© and Phonics Charts© can be used to teach what the child doesn't know. For example, If you give Phonics/Spelling Placement List 3 and the child misses "cream" you can give that child Spelling List 19 from the Systematic Spelling System© set--that list consists of 10 words with the "ea" vowel team (beach, cream, deal, easy, etc.). A Phonics/Spelling Placement list can be given to a whole class and then individualized, with each child receiving Spelling Lists of whatever patterns they missed (I did this with 5th grade Hispanic students and they realized immediately how this would help them. They were very motivated, and studied and learned the lists very quickly--and their reading improved dramatically).

Click here to download/print the PHONICS/SPELLING PLACEMENT TEST

9. MR. BEADY EYES--helps children learn, "b" from "d".

Click on Mr. Beady Eyes to print Mr. Beady Eyes Image

10. READING HELPS BOOKMARKS --bookmarks with the diphthongs and irregular vowel teams.

Click on the bookmark to print Image

11. SOME PERSONAL THOUGHTS ON READING -Click here to go to My Beliefs

12. THE READING WARS Click here to go to The Reading Wars

Note:These materials were developed for children who have great difficulty learning to read and have proven to be very effective with the population for which they were designed. Virtually all students who received the complete kindergarten and/or the complete first grade interventions (as needed) have passed the third grade Texas reading assessment (TAKS). All children may not need such a systematic approach to reading; however, these materials have been utilized successfully with children of various ability levels. I would welcome any comments and suggestions.

Thanks for visiting my site. J.Bordine, Ph.D.

J.'s Paintings

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